Пн-Вс: 10:00 - 23:00

Promotions Tamarind Thai Spa

For our guest, several promotions are applied on an ongoing basis, as well as temporary ones for various events.


День Влюбленных в Тамаринд Тай Спа

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Get 20% off on weekday visits from 10 am to 5 pm

Get a 20% Happy Hours discount on all rituals and treatments every weekday from 10 am to 5 pm.

This discount does not apply to gift certificates and can’t be combined with other available discounts.

20% off all spa-rituals and treatments every working day in Minsk

Spa treatments help rid of stress and its consequences, boost immune system defence, improve blood circulation and a number of other health benefits depending on each particular treatment.


Claim a 25% Birthday discount!

Tamarind Thai Spa invites you to extend your birthday celebrations and offers a 25% discount off all rituals and treatments. Discount works 5 days ahead and 5 days after the birthday date (we may ask for ID) and must be booked in advance.

This discount does not apply to gift certificates and can’t be combined with other available discounts.

Claim a 25% Birthday discount!

Despite following only time-tested and perfected techniques, there is a number of healthconditions when Thai rituals are inadvisable:

  • Pregnancy
  • Recent surgeries or injuries, including open and not fully healed sores wounds
  • Oncological diseases
  • Blood vascular and acute venous diseases
  • Pulmonary heart and cardiovasular diseases
  • Any spinal conditions that require treatment by a qualified health care provider
  • Acute kidney and liver conditions
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Prostheses (such as knee or hip joint implant)
  • Fever, high body temperature or other inflammatory conditions
  • Abscesses in any location
  • Any internal organs diseases that can lead to bleeding
  • Acute tuberculosis
  • Any skin, nail or hair diseases of any nature, including rashes, eczemas, psoriasis and herpes
  • Burns and frostbites
  • Acute gastrointestinal diseases
  • Alcohol intoxication
  • Tamarind Thai Spa’s rituals do not constitute medical treatment and are not a substitute for a medical examination or diagnosis.

    Tamarind Thai Spa is not a health care provider nor does it offer any medical services in any form. If you are dealing with a serious health condition that is not mentioned in the list above, please first check with your health care provider and make sure you inform Tamarind Thai Spa administration of any health conditions that may be of importance.

    Please immediately contact our administrators in case you feel unwell.

    Sign up for a procedure

    We will call you back as soon as possible to clarify the details of the appointment

    *Preliminary. The administrator will inform you about availability.

    20% discount on a weekday from 10:00 to 17:00

    Tamarind Thai Spa has a Happy Hour promotion on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00. If you visit the spa at the indicated time, you will receive a 20% discount on all spa rituals and spa programs. Discount does not apply to gift certificates and cannot be combined with other spa discounts.

    OK thanks!

    25% discount on your birthday!

    Still not sure how to celebrate your birthday? Especially for you, Tamarind Thai Spa gives 25% discount on your birthday for all spa rituals and spa programs! The promotion is valid for 5 days before and 5 days after your birthday by appointment.

    And on your birthday you are waiting for surprise by Tamarind Thai Spa!

    Discount does not apply to gift certificates and cannot be combined with other spa discounts.

    You must have a passport with you.

    OK thanks!

    Gift Certificate

    Please enter your phone number and full name so that we could call you back

    Pay with a card

    Gift Certificate

    To issue an invoice, we need to know the following details

    You can make the payment only after one of our administrators gets in touch with you to confirm your order.
    After payment you can pick up a beautifully designed certificate in our spa or we can send an e-certificate on your E-mail by agreement with you.
    Delivery and payment terms.

    We are sorry, this page is under construction and will be online very soon.

    The application has been recorded!

    Wait for a call from our manager.

    OK thanks!

    Connect with us

    We are looking forward to getting your calls and letters!


    We’ll call you back shortly

