For a comfortable stay in the spa, please read the rules of etiquette:
- Before your first visit, you must complete the spa card and familiarize yourself with the Contraindications .
- Warn the administrator about your wishes, contraindications , problem areas and health conditions.
- Please notify your session cancellation no later than 24 hours in advance so that other salon guests have the opportunity to take advantage of this time.
- Please arrive 10-15 minutes before the appointed time - this will allow you to comfortably prepare for the start of the session.
- If you are late, please contact us by phone; in this case, the session may be shortened in proportion to the delay time - any schedule changes will negatively affect other guests of the salon.
- If you are a member of a discount program or special offer, please inform the administrator in advance when registering and immediately before the session.
- Our spa-salon does not provide services of an intimate nature. Any action that might be judged in this way will lead to the end of the session. The administration of the spa salon Tamarind Thai Spa reserves the right to refuse to provide services in the future.